Do you loathe cleaning refrigerator shelves as much as I do? Cleaning them in place doesn’t always fully accomplish the task, and removing them is a big pain. So I avoid doing it until stuff starts sticking to the shelves.
I had seen a Pinterest tip suggesting using Glad Press ‘n’ Seal to line the fridge shelves. The idea is that when the shelves become dirty, you just peel up the liner and throw it away, which is easy but not exactly environmentally friendly. Not when there’s a better solution just around the corner.
Asia on It’s an Organized Chaos offered this idea:
Use vinyl placemats, cut down to size, to line the shelves. When needed, remove the placemat, give it a good wash, and slide it back into place. Easy, peasy, AND it’s not wasteful!
With the holidays approaching and my fridge in dire need of cleaning, I decided to give this a try. I bought only one placemat this time, just to see how well it works. (And also because I didn’t truly love any of the patterns Target had on hand.)
I plopped the liner on the top shelf of my fridge, marked the edges, and cut away the overlap. The result:
It doesn’t fit perfectly, but it should do the trick.
In further frugal news, the portion of the placemat I cut away can be cut down to fit a door shelf, which is another place that tends to suffer spills and drips. I’m also thinking the vinyl placemat idea (or perhaps a vinyl tablecloth) might be a good solution for lining cabinet shelves as well.
Heck, I might just wallpaper my kitchen with vinyl! LOL